5 ways to kiss better

5 ways to kiss better

29th May 2015

pheromonesDon't stay single! If your pucker falls flat, maintaining a romantic life is a challenge. No one enjoys snuggling up with someone who can't kiss. Build up your skills by learning a few new tricks. Discover how to improve your approach and captivate a future mate.

Five ways to kiss better:

  • Study your partner. People differ. Some of them enjoy sloppy kisses while others prefer more controlled intimacy. Therefore, watch for favorable responses during kissing and continue to mimic these behaviors.
  • Moisten dry lips. Cracked arid lips are akin to sandpaper. Balms that contain vitamin E help moisten this sensitive area. Flavored ones also enhance the experience.
  • Expand your territory. While kissing, don't forget your partner's neck, shoulder and chest. Cover more territory and add spice to a tender lip lock. Truth: this tactic entices people who are reluctant to kiss into performing this act more often.
  • Use less mouthwash. The intense smell of mint is a turn off. If overused, its overpowering to the olfactory sensors. Practice good hygiene, but with wisdom. Use mouthwash according to the listed instructions, not your lust for the other person.
  • Practice what you know. This is the fun part. Practice makes perfect. as a result, kiss someone daily. Raise your confidence and technique in this arena by turning kissing into a habit.

Excited? Employ the above tips, kiss better and don't stay single. Be the type of single that other singles seek out for a date. For more information on this topics involving relationships, visit or  contact a representative at TruePheromones.com.