The Science Behind Human Pheromones And Success In Business

The Science Behind Human Pheromones And Success In Business

9th Mar 2015

pheromonesDespite what you may suspect, the power of human pheromones goes well beyond prowess in the bedroom or in your efforts to attract a mate. There are many other, highly practical benefits of pheromone use that don't just boost your natural attraction factor in personal relationships, but professional interactions as well. In fact, with each passing day, there is growing supporting scientific evidence that links business success with the use of pheromone-enhanced products. As a matter of fact, without even knowing it, you've probably been in the company of an executive who has liberally doused a leather chair or highly potent pulse points to amplify the impact of your encounter.

Powerful & Practical Success for BOTH Sexes

Pheromones have no gender bias. In fact, they have been shown to work as well with women as they do with men. Furthermore, the impact of pheromone products have less to do with looks and natural, physical attraction than you'd imagined. There have been studies in the past where identical male twins were rated by women (the SAME women!) and the twin who was using pheromones easily took the cake. This is because pheromone products take what you already possess and amplify your first impressions, yielding impressive, seemingly-inexplicable results.

How Pheromones Can Catapult You Up the Corporate Success Ladder

Forget about glass ceilings. If you've made less than an impressive impression in your workplace, it's time to arm yourself with the ultimate success weapon. Pheromones subtly work on the perceptions of others with delicate yet deceptively powerful hormones that influence your effectiveness in the demanding realm of the corporate arena. This provides you with a definitive edge in negotiations, sales presentations, evaluations and corporate board rooms across the nation and the globe.

Pheromones Help Negate the Negative Aspects of the Business World

In today's tough economy, job security has been all but thrown out the window. There is a great deal of confusion and worry and other negative stress-producing agents at work in the workplace. Hostility, greed, tension and uncertainty can all work diligently to wear away your cool, calm and collected demeanor with your colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Pheromone usage provides you with the opportunity to undo all of that negativity and give you a fighting chance to realize and actualize your professional dreams and goals.

For more information on how the use of pheromones can change your life please call 1-877-PHERO-77 (743-7677).